General Questions
- Preschool to Grade Six Tuition Fee range is 50,000 to 77,000.
- Junior High School to Senior High School range is 70,000 to 83,000.
For more details, you may contact the following:
Accounting Office
- 8721-4142
Yes, you can pay in the following payment terms: monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual.
- Yes, there will be a discount of 1.5% for full payment.
- A tuition fee discount is also given for three siblings enrolled in HSS. The youngest sibling shall avail of 5% discount.
Please see full procedures and application requirements via this link:
PAASCU Accredited Level II
FAPE/ESC Certified
Grade School
- Pre-Kinder
- Kindergarten
- Elementary Grades 1 – 6
High School
- Junior High School Grades 7 – 10
- Senior High School Grades 11 – 12
- Academic Track:
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
- ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management)
- HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences)
Yes, we are accepting returnees and transferees from Grade 1 to Grade 11.
Yes, we have scholarships, financial aid and grants for incoming Grade 7 and Grade 11. The following are the requirements:
- He/She should belong to the top 10 (Academic Rank) of the graduating batch/class.
- He/She should come from a school with no less than 4o learners of the graduating batch/class.
- Proper documents such as Certification of Academic Rank and Good Moral must be submitted to the Guidance Center for evaluation.
- He/She must have a general weighted average of not lower than 90 and no grade lower than 85 in the quarterly and final grades in all subjects.
- Financial aid and grants are offered on a first-come-first-served basis