General Questions

  • Preschool to Grade Six Tuition Fee range is 50,000 to 77,000.
  • Junior High School to Senior High School range is 70,000 to 83,000.

For more details, you may contact the following:

Accounting Office

  • 8721-4142

Yes, you can pay in the following payment terms: monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual.

  • Yes, there will be a discount of 1.5% for full payment.
  • A tuition fee discount is also given for three siblings enrolled in HSS. The youngest sibling shall avail of 5% discount.

Please see full procedures and application requirements via this link:

PAASCU Accredited Level II
FAPE/ESC Certified

Grade School

  • Pre-Kinder
  • Kindergarten
  • Elementary Grades 1 – 6

High School

    • Junior High School Grades 7 – 10
    • Senior High School Grades 11 – 12
    • Academic Track:
      • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
      • ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management)
      • HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences)

Yes, we are accepting returnees and transferees from Grade 1 to Grade 11.

Yes, we have scholarships, financial aid and grants for incoming Grade 7 and Grade 11.  The following are the requirements:

  1. He/She should belong to the top 10 (Academic Rank) of the graduating batch/class.
  2. He/She should come from a school with no less than 4o learners of the graduating batch/class.
  3. Proper documents such as Certification of Academic Rank and Good Moral must be submitted to the Guidance Center for evaluation.
  4. He/She must have a general weighted average of not lower than 90 and no grade lower than 85 in the quarterly and final grades in all subjects.
  5. Financial aid and grants are offered on a first-come-first-served basis