Our Campuses

BF Homes, Quezon City

Cubao, Quezon City

Malolos City


Tarlac City


The SSpS Congregation was founded by Fr. Arnold Janssen and co-founded by Sr. Maria (Helena
Stollenwerk) and Sr. Josepha (Hendrina Stenmanns) in 1889.

In 1894, Fr. Arnold received letters asking him to send missionaries to the Philippines. However,
some members of the society contended that SVD missionaries should be sent only to lands
where the Gospel has not yet been proclaimed.

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The Holy Spirit School System innovates for a mission-driven education in the following Key Result Areas and strategic thrusts:

Market Growth

  • Pursue branded institutional growth focusing on program quality, sustainable resources, responsive processes and systems and competent employees

Resource Mobilization

  • Direct resource generation through various strategies towards comparable working conditions & provisions for employees

Campus Development

  • Create an enabling learning and working environment supportive of the school brand through relevant and responsive infrastructure and technology

Human Resources Advancement

  • Ensure purposive competency-based development for increased employee competence and retention.